About Us
Socdem Asia Pasific is a regional grouping of political parties, platforms, and movements who share social democratic values and perspectives and work to combat inequality and ensure human dignity for all. Together we aim to promote the values and practices of social democracy and fight for alternatives to elitist politics and neoliberal capitalist economic organization.
It aims to build social democratic alternative by deepening and broadening Asian discourse, offering and developing future- oriented policies, and showcasing best practices of Social Democratic parties, politicians and movements.
Regional Network Coverage
Socdem Asia is an associate network of the Progressive Alliance.
Regional Network Coverage
The network is composed of parties, think tanks/institutes, labour, academics, and young activists from 13 countries - Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor Leste.
The Network's Steering Committee is the body that provides agenda direction to the Network including key areas of work, activities and public communication. Members of the Network and participants in its consist of organizations who promote social democratic values and programs as well as those with social democratic wings/tendencies. Institutes, think tanks and policy makers working with social democratic actors are invited also invited to Network activities.