Thursday, 8 September 2022
The Network for Social Democracy in Asia (SocDem Asia), currently comprised of 15 political parties from 11 countries in Asia, extends its warmest greetings to our comrades in The Revolutionary Front of Independent Timor-Leste (FRETILIN) on the occasion of their 5th National Congress! SocDem Asia recognizes the pivotal role of FRETILIN in the struggle for independence of the people of Timor-Leste and laying the foundations of democratic rule in the country. FRETILIN has been and continues to be a vital partner and sister-party of SocDem Asia and other social democratic and progressive political parties in Asia.
The regular conduct of its party congresses is a testament to FRETILIN’s serious commitment to the country’s democratic path. FRETILIN’s new set of party leaders will no doubt take on the urgent responsibility of helping in the country’s recovery from the COVID-pandemic and in pushing for social welfare policies to improve the lives of the people of Timor-Leste. We are confident that FRETILIN is more than able to lead the progressive push to bring about a more just, equitable and harmonious future for all.
We congratulate the current leadership for steering the party through these challenging times. We are hopeful that FRETILIN's new set of leaders will continue the existing strong relations and partnerships with the network and other social democratic parties in the region. In this era of multiple crises, it is important for fellow social democrats and progressives to close ranks to meet the challenges head on.
Again, we extend our best wishes to our comrades in FRETILIN! A Luta Continua!