Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Register Now! https://tinyurl.com/SocdemAPP
This course is part of the SocDem Asia Academy of Progressive Politics (SocDem APP) and is intended for new and aspiring policy makers, elected local and national parliamentarians from Socdem Asia member parties. It is designed to support capacity building for the fast growing membership of the Socdem Asia Parliamentarians Caucus, particularly in the topic of inclusive policy making.
Leading the discussions are Joy Aceron Convenor-Director of Government Watch, and Research Fellow at Accountability Research Center, and Aries Arugay, Professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines-Diliman, and Editor-in-Chief of Asian Policy and Politics.
22 May 2021
1.30- 4.30 pm New Delhi
1.45- 4.45 pm Kathmandu
2.30- 5.30 pm Yangon
3.00 - 6.00 pm Jakarta | Bangkok
4.00- 7.00 pm Kuala Lumpur | Manila | Ulaanbaatar
5.00- 8.00pm Dili